Twitter taking down profiles in mass from 2019

Since last year, 2019, you may have realized that twitter is warning users of inactive accounts. Anyone who has not signed in for more than six months may receive an email alert. Twitter will take down these accounts, and the usernames will be up for grabs again. With this move, twitter aims at presenting its users with more accurate and credible information.

Besides, this effort will encourage people to log in and use twitter after registering for an account, as stated in their inactive accounts policy. This exercise not only affects inactive accounts, but it will also impact on accounts belonging to the deceased. As such, this article provides you with ways you can stay active on twitter to avoid permanent closure of your account. 

  1. Events and Updates. Most of your followers are probably loyal to you because they want to remain in-the-know. Such followers wish to ensure that they know everything new that comes out. If you are in business, you can always use twitter to inform your clients of a great opportunity or a big sale coming up. The best thing is that you will do all these without spending a penny. 

  2. Interact with your followers. Interacting with your twitter followers and answering their questions will make keep them glued to your site. Let your loyal fans know that you listen. You can also stir up a conversation by asking people about an opinion on your twitter page. The best trick to use is to make the topic somewhat controversial without offending anyone. This trick will earn you likes and retweets. You can also buy likes from this likes company to lure people to your page. 

  3. Run a contest. If you need more legitimate followers, run a contest. A contest can entice real people who can also help you make money. For instance, you can run a competition where one has to follow you to enter. The same person can also retweet your message to gain another entry to the contest. You feel like its challenging, but you can look for software that can help you run these contests. 

  4. Follow Big Twitter Users. Another way to stay active on twitter is to follow significant twitter users and promoting their content. You may feel like you are helping your competitor, but you will be building a relationship. Look for those people with over 10,000 followers and find out why they have such a massive number of fans. Promote their site on your twitter page and try to contact them and then ask them if they could do the same for you. If they agree to send out a single tweet for you, you will get extra traffic and business. 

  5. Keep it Brief. Twitter allows its users to use 280 characters per post. Some people find this challenging, but short tweets are engaging. A post with around 110 characters tends to offer more value, and other users can easily retweet. A brief tweet also allows your followers to add their thoughts while still referring back to you.

Follow these tips to prevent twitter from taking down your account. 

Written by Bob Kruse

Bob Kruse's picture
I am the Executive Producer at 2440 Media, a web design and development firm in Pittsburgh, PA. I've been building websites for over 20 years. I don't feel that old though.